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Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Syed Adnan Ahmed Sabzwari

Syed Adnan Ahmed Sabzwari is a high school dropout who managed to astonish the World by his amazing talents and mind-boggling ventures. Adnan is a scientist, a graphic designer, an animator and a scale modeler, but above all he is passionate about his teaching career.

Unable to complete his studies, due to the untimely death of his father, Adnan Sabzwari did not lose hope and became the youngest scale modeler in the World. 

While he was studying in 9th grade, he made the smallest scale model of F-16 aircraft. It is believed to be the smallest fully functional scale model of F-16 till date. All parts of the fighter plane were functional including the cockpit, rudders, air brakes and landing gears. The best thing about the model was that it was made from the recycled items including kitchen pipes, ball-pen refills, bottle caps, wrist watch strap pins, etc.
Adnan also made a fully functional model of a British Airways Concord airplane, for which he was given a certificate by British ambassador in Pakistan, along with an offer to go to England for further work. The fervent young boy refused the offer flatly and vowed to work for Pakistan, despite the financial constraints and other problems.
Living in Karachi, Adnan Sabzwari believes, “If one has firm believe in Allah and is devoted to his cause then he can conquer everything.” He has worked hard to achieve his dreams to make a name for his country. Adnan has also made a “3D Tracing Device” to measure the cross-sectional area and the centre of gravity of anything. Afterwards he made software for doing the same job on computer.
Adnan Sabzwari’s research work has always been related to the problems of the general public and he has come up with some revolutionary designs to solve the common problems of Pakistan like load shedding, transport issues and educational problems of students. In one of his recent interviews in a TV program, he revealed working on some of the following projects:
  • He has designed an engine that does not requireany fuel. He is short of finances to convert his design into a practical model. He believes that 3 to 4 units of his designed engine, if implemented, will generate enough power to eradicate the load-shedding issues of Karachi Electric Supply Corporation (KESC). It can also prove to be a unique solution for small industries.
  • A water-fuelled car
  • A motor bike that can be converted into a car
  • He is working on a 3D movie on Quaid-e-Azam and other great leaders of the country
  • He is working on a unique educational package for science subjects of Matric students to make their learning easier and fun.
  • Adnan has also designed a bed room set that will remain cool during the hot nights of Karachi, using minimum power. It will use the cooling system of existing refrigerator to cool the bed.

Adnan Sabzwari is a genius with limited resources and unimaginable vision. He has received numerous certificates and awards for his achievements. 

A simple soul and a humble human being, Adnan Sabzwari, has proved that everything is possible with sheer hardwork and dedication.

source : http://www.topbrains.org/article/12/syed-adnan-ahmed-sabzwari-an-all-rounder-pakistani

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