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Thursday, 9 August 2018

hardworking girl "Alisha"

Motivated & focused are the first two words I would use to describe 14-year-old Alisha. Her father, Shahid, is an electrician who makes a meager Rs. 8,500 a month which does not come close to fulfilling the needs of Alisha, her three sisters and four brothers.

From an early age, Alisha had to work to supplement her household income, working as a tailor from home. Instead of skipping school for work, she joined Zindagi Trust’s Manzoor Colony school for working children to complete an accelerated primary education course. She had a keen interest in her studies and always ended up in the “High Achievers” list of students who topped their grades. Eager to learn and grow in every way, Alisha never missed an opportunity to participate in co-curricular activities either.

As a top graduate of our Paid to Learn primary education programme for working children, Alisha qualified for our Secondary Education Scholarship through which she was placed in Nimra Academy Secondary School and guaranteed a fully-paid ride through her high school graduation.

Now in the 8th grade at Nimra Academy, she has settled in remarkably well in the mainstream private school, given her only previous educational background was a non-formal primary education programme for working children. A position holder during her primary education course, she has lived up to her potential in her secondary education too, bagging the 2nd position in her Class at Nimra Academy for two years running. More details on her academic progress can be seen in the annual report attached.

Alisha is thankful to Zindagi Trust for sponsoring her education, something she has learned to value a great deal. Her family is very supportive of her studies and she continues to work from home, stitching clothes and doing embroidery. Alisha is very close to her three sisters and four brothers, and terms them an inspiration to her life. She truly treasures the bond she shares with her siblings and contributes the Rs. 50 she makes from her work every day towards their education.

As she makes her journey beyond the possible, she does so with hope that all things are possible. It is Alisha’s hope & belief that in future her dream would become reality, where she sees herself as a doctor.

Detailed Result:

6th grade: 2nd position, 76% marks with 97% attendance

7th grade: 2nd position 82% marks with 99% attendance

Alisha makes 50 Rupees a day sewing clothes

Helping her mother with household chores

In her school uniform, best part of her day!

Alisha in the classroom

Academic Report Card

Another Academic Report Card

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